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Updated: Mar 7

Dear Parents,

Our enrollment this year is at 200 students. We hope to increase that number by at least 10% next school year. Despite our small size, we offer a full school program. We plan to add a new art class to our curriculum next year. This means that in addition to all the regular academic courses, we will be offering art, music, physical education, and Spanish. We also have a variety of extracurricular athletics, which are not always available at a school of this size, including boys’ and girls’ basketball, cheerleading, cross country, soccer, and volleyball.

Our Ash Wednesday Mass yesterday was packed. The Chicago Tribune published a photo in today’s paper of our students at Mass – Section 1, page 9. The next all school Mass will take place this Sunday, March 9, at noon here at OLC. After Mass we will have the Scholastic Book Fair and free refreshments, both in Halpin Hall. There will also be a blood drive going on for any interested donors.

Marking 1st day of Lent
Marking 1st day of Lent

Scholastic Book Fair every day after school next week in Halpin Hall. Stop by and check it out!

Dental exams will take place here on Monday, March 10. If you would like to take advantage of this free exam, stop by the office today, tomorrow, or Monday to sign a permission form. You will receive a copy of the exam


OLC Family Bowling Night at Bowlero in Lyons: Thursday, March 20, from 5-7 PM. Bring your family and have fun bowling with other OLC families.

Vision and hearing screenings for preschoolers and kindergarteners will take place on Wednesday, March 26.

Raising Cane’s Night will be held from 4-8 PM on Thursday, March 27, at Raising Cane’s on Harlem Avenue in Riverside. Bring the whole family and tell them you’re there for the “OLC fundraiser.” Our school will earn 15% of the net sales.

2nd trimester Honor Roll Assembly in church following the 9:00 Mass on Friday, March 14. Feel free to join us.

Boys’ Basketball: two wins so far this season; JV has three wins!

Girls’ Volleyball: the Panthers won last Tuesday night in their game against the St. Luke Bearcats 7th graders!

Cheerleaders: our squad is awesome!

Everyone loves our new Panther mascot. We had a naming contest, and the 5th grade class won. The mascot’s name is now officially Pete the Panther!

Yours in Christ,

Frank S. Zarate, Jr., Ed.D.


(708) 652-0262


Updated: Jan 10

January 10, 2025

Dear Parents,

Thank you to the 66 families who completed the Parent Satisfaction Survey last month. We have been able to make a few changes already, based on your feedback, for example the student drop off procedures in the morning. The School Advisory Board is considering curricular changes, and I will keep you apprised of those.

OLC tuition rates for the 2025-2026 school year are not being increased. They will remain the same as the 2024-2025 school year.

Don’t forget that you can also save $300.00 by referring a new family (who registers) to OLC.

Monday, January 13: OLC Snowflake Ice Skating! FREE entry for all students, family, and staff members (skates included). This event will take place from 6:00-8:00 PM at the Bobby Hull Ice Rink, 3400 S. 53rd Avenue.

Wednesday, January 15: Parent-Teacher Organization meeting at 7:45 AM in room 205.

Friday, January 17: We are having a parent meeting to report on school finances and to provide a “state of the school” presentation. A lot of important information for you to know about OLC will be given. For your convenience, there are two meeting times (please choose one): 7:45-8:45 or 1:45-2:45. All parents are asked to please attend one meeting or the other. Meetings will be in the student lunchroom.

Monday, January 20: Martin Luther King Jr. Day (no school)

Catholic Schools Week plans, Jan. 26-Feb. 1:

Sunday, January 26: Celebrating your parish

  • ●  4th graders read at the noon Mass at OLC (all OLC students should attend)

  • ●  Registration for the 2025-2026 school year begins (no tuition increase next year)

    Monday, January 27: Celebrating your community

● Schoolwide canned food drive for Cicero-Berwyn-Stickney Food Pantry (continues through Jan. 31)

Tuesday, January 28: Celebrating your students

  • ●  Hot chocolate and pan dulce with our cross-age faith buddies

  • ●  Students wear PJ’s to school (pajama pants and school appropriate tops with sleeves)

  • ●  Preschool & Kindergarten open house 3:00-6:30 pm

Wednesday, January 29: Celebrating the nation

  • ●  Academic Bowl: students in grades 1 – 8 will compete in teams to answer grade appropriate academic questions (with American history focus)

  • ●  Red, white, and blue spirit day for students Thursday, January 30: Celebrating vocations

  • ●  Spelling bee with Knights of Columbus (grades 4 - 8)

  • ●  Fr. Martin Marulanda from St. Bede the Venerable Church in Chicago will celebrate Mass and speak to

    8th graders about his call to vocations

Friday, January 31: Celebrating faculty and staff

  • ●  Coffee cart and doughnuts for staff

  • ●  Father Daughter Dance at 6PM in Halpin Hall

    Saturday, February 1: Celebrating families

● School presentation to parents of CCD students

Yours in Christ,

Frank S. Zarate, Jr., Ed.D. Principal(708) 652-0262

10 de enero de 2025 Estimados padres,

Gracias a las 66 familias que completaron la Encuesta de Satisfacción de Padres el mes pasado. Ya hemos podido realizar algunos cambios, según sus comentarios, por ejemplo, los procedimientos para dejar a los estudiantes por la mañana. La Junta Asesora Escolar está considerando cambios curriculares y los mantendré informados.

Las tasas de matrícula del OLC para el año escolar 2025-2026 no aumentarán. Seguirán siendo los mismos que en el año escolar 2024-2025.

No olvide que también puede ahorrar $300.00 recomendando a una nueva familia (que se registre) al OLC.

Lunes 13 de enero: ¡Patinaje sobre hielo OLC Snowflake! Entrada GRATUITA para todos los estudiantes, familiares y miembros del personal (patines incluidos). Este evento se llevará a cabo de 6:00 a 8:00 p. m. en la pista de hielo Bobby Hull, 3400 S. 53rd Avenue.

Miércoles 15 de enero: reunión de la organización de padres y maestros a las 7:45 a. m. en el salón 205.

Viernes 17 de enero: Tendremos una reunión de padres para informar sobre las finanzas escolares y hacer una presentación del “estado de la escuela”. Se le brindará mucha información importante que debe conocer sobre OLC. Para su comodidad, hay dos horarios de reunión (elija uno): 7:45-8:45 o 1:45-2:45. Se pide a todos los padres que asistan a una reunión u otra. Las reuniones serán en el comedor de los estudiantes.

Lunes 20 de enero: Día de Martin Luther King Jr. (no hay clases)

Planes para la Semana de las Escuelas Católicas, del 26 de enero al febrero. 1:

Domingo 26 de enero: Celebrando tu parroquia

  • ●  Los estudiantes de 4to grado leen en la misa del mediodía en OLC (todos los estudiantes de OLC deben asistir)

  • ●  Comienza la inscripción para el año escolar 2025-2026 (no habrá aumento de matrícula el próximo año) Lunes 27 de enero: Celebrando tu comunidad

    ● Colecta de alimentos enlatados en toda la escuela para Cicero-Berwyn-Stickney Food Pantry (continúa hasta el 31 de enero)

    Martes 28 de enero: Celebrando a tus estudiantes

    ● Chocolate caliente y pan dulce con nuestros amigos de fe de todas las edades● Los estudiantes usan pijamas para ir a la escuela (pantalones de pijama y camisetas con mangas

    apropiadas para la escuela)● Open House para preescolar y jardín de infantes de 3:00 a 6:30 p. m.

    Miércoles 29 de enero: Celebrando la nación

  • ●  Academic Bowl: los estudiantes en los grados 1 a 8 competirán en equipos para responder preguntas académicas apropiadas para su grado (con enfoque en la historia estadounidense)

  • ●  Día del espíritu rojo, blanco y azul para estudiantes Jueves 30 de enero: Celebrando las vocaciones

  • ●  Concurso de ortografía con Caballeros de Colón (grados 4 a 8)

  • ●  P. Martin Marulanda de la Iglesia St. Bede the Venerable en Chicago celebrará misa y hablará a los

    estudiantes de octavo grado sobre su llamado a las vocaciones. Viernes 31 de enero: Celebrando a los profesores y al personal

  • ●  Carrito de café y donas para el personal.

  • ●  Baile de padre e hija a las 6 p.m. en Halpin Hall

    Sábado 1 de febrero: Celebrando a las familias

● Presentación escolar a padres de alumnos del CCD

Suyo en Cristo,Frank S. Zárate, Jr., Ed.D. Director


Dear Parents,

Thank you to all the parent “trunkers” who decorated their cars for Trunk or Treat on Halloween! Awards were voted on for the best decorated cars:

1st prize Ximena Velazquez and Maria Macias Lopez

2nd prize Liliana Cardoso

3rd prize Olimpia Torres

Prize winners earned a Buddy Bear Car Wash gift package and gift certificate!

Report cards go home tomorrow.

Friday, November 22 is the deadline for immunizations. Students who are non-compliant after this date cannot come to school. November 22 is also the due date for the Christmas Raffle. The raffle supports our school tuition scholarship fund. All monies collected, along with unsold tickets, must be turned in to the office. Winners will be announced on Christmas Day.

Sunday, November 24: We’re having a Bake Sale to benefit the OLC Class of 2025 after all Masses at OLC. Also that day, the parish will host a Wine & Pies sale at OLC starting at 11:00, and at St. Mary of Czestochowa on Nov. 23 and 24 starting at 9:30 AM.

November 27 - December 1: Thanksgiving Break

Friday, December 6: Honor Roll Assembly for grades 4-8 after the 9:00 Mass

Sunday, December 8: All school Mass at noon. The seventh grade will serve refreshments afterward in Halpin Hall. All OLC families are encouraged to join their classmates for this liturgy.

Monday, December 9: Roller skating begins for one week.

Monday, December 9: The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin; all school Mass at 1:00, parents are invited.

Thursday, December 12: Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe and Grandparent/VIP Day; all school Mass in Spanish at noon. There will be a reenactment of the apparition of the Virgin to St. Juan Diego and songs, as performed by students in grades 3-4. Each student in grades K-8 should invite one grandparent or other VIP to school for Mass and refreshments afterward. VIPs may include an aunt, uncle, older sibling, adult family friend, etc.

Wishing you and your family a blessed and joyful Thanksgiving!

Yours in Christ,

Frank S. Zarate, Jr., Ed.D.


(708) 652-0262



Our Lady of Charity School

3620 S. 57th Ct., Cicero, IL 60804

Contact Us

Office: (708) 652-0262  



Our Lady of Charity School serves students Pre Kindergarten 3 through 8th grade from Cicero, Berwyn, Stickney, & Chicago. Contact us today for a tour!

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