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Dear Parents, OLC Movie Night this week was postponed due to the weather. The event will now take place outdoors on our soccer field at 6:30 pm on Thurs., Sept. 30. Bring chairs, blankets, and the children to this family friendly event! Food and beverages will be sold, too.

Parent-Teacher Conferences are on Oct. 7 and 8. They will be in-person or via Zoom, your choice; more information forthcoming.

Art Club! We have a new 7th - 8th grade Art Club meeting on Oct. 14 and on every Thursday thereafter, from 3:00 - 4:00. There is a $10 monthly fee for materials.

Many of you know that our school secretary, Mrs. Avalos, will be leaving OLC on October 1. Please welcome our new school secretary, Mr. Pedro Infante, who has begun working here on a part-time basis until he begins full-time on Oct. 4.

Masks: All students should have 4 - 5 masks at school on any given day. We all need multiple masks these days, as you know!

Volunteer hours are mandatory; for your VIRTUS training, go to our website:

Important dates: Thursday, September 30: All school Mass at 1:00, grades 1 - 8. Parents are invited. Thursday, September 30: Family Movie Night at OLC, 6:30 pm, on the soccer field. $3 per person.

Wednesday, October 6: Early dismissal (30 minutes before the regular time) Thursday and Friday, October 7 - 8: Parent-Teacher conferences (see above); all students will be dismissed at 11:30. Monday, October 11: no school Yours in Christ, Frank S. Zárate, Jr., Ed.D.

Principal (708) 652-0262



Dear Parents,

We are sad to announce the departure from OLC of our School Secretary, Mrs. Norma Avalos, on Fri., Oct. 1. We will miss her very much and wish her God’s blessings in all her endeavors. Mrs. Avalos has served the families and the staff of our school faithfully for nearly nine years. Please wish her well when you see or speak to her.

Springfield: 8th graders will take a field trip to Springfield on Oct. 21. We will visit the Lincoln Museum, Lincoln’s home and Lincoln’s Tomb, and the new State Capitol, among other sites. Cost is $20!

Parent-Teacher Conferences are on Oct. 7 and 8. They will be in-person or via Zoom, your choice; more information forthcoming.

If your child is in Band: pick him or her up in the lunchroom after practice. Enter via the “aftercare door” located on 57th Court at the northeast corner of the church building. Please label school sweatshirts and sweaters with your child’s name. We have collected several that were left behind.

Art Club! We have a new 7th - 8th grade Art Club meeting on Oct. 14, and on the first Thursday of the month thereafter, from 3:00 - 4:00. There is a $10 monthly fee for materials.

Required health records due next Friday! Preschool Kindergarten 2nd grade 6th grade New student Medical (physical) and dental examinations Medical (physical), dental, and vision exams Dental exam Medical (physical) and dental exams Medical (physical) and dental exams

Volunteer hours are mandatory: do your VIRTUS training!

Important dates: Thursday, September 23: All school Mass at 1:00, grades 1 - 8. Parents are invited. Friday, September 24: No school; teacher institute day

Wednesday, October 6: Early dismissal (30 minutes before the regular time) Thursday and Friday, October 7 - 8: Parent-Teacher conferences (see above);

All students will be dismissed at 11:30am.

Yours in Christ, Frank S. Zárate, Jr., Ed.D. Principal (708) 652-0262


Dear Parents, School forms need to be completed, signed, and returned to the school office by Fri., Sept. 10. Students have gym class according to this schedule: Monday: grades K - 8 Tuesday: all grades except kindergarten and 4th Wednesday: preschool, kindergarten, and 4th grade only Required health records: Medical (physical) and dental examinations Medical (physical), dental, and vision exams Dental exam Medical (physical) and dental exams Medical (physical) and dental exams Preschool Kindergarten 2nd grade 6th grade New student All medical forms should be turned in to the office by Sept. 24. If you have a doctor’s appointment scheduled after that date, please let me know the date of the appointment. There is a $10 registration fee for before and after care. If left unpaid, it will be billed to your FACTS account. Due to street repairs on 57th Court, the children in preschool and kindergarten will enter and exit via the breezeway doors on the north side of the parking lot. Several teachers are still seeking a room parent coordinator for the year. Can you be that special person? If so, email your child’s teacher or me. Thank you! Important dates: Wednesday, September 1: Early dismissal (30 minutes before the usual time) Thursday, September 2: All school Mass, 1:00, grades 1- 8; parents may attend Thursday, September 2: Back to school night from 6:30 - 8:00 pm; bring your OLC student with you. Meet the teachers and learn about the year ahead. Visit all your child’s teachers and get a prize! Monday, September 6: Labor Day, no school

Wednesday, September 15: Early dismissal (30 minutes before the usual time) Yours in Christ, Frank S. Zárate, Jr., Ed.D. Principal



Our Lady of Charity School

3620 S. 57th Ct., Cicero, IL 60804

Contact Us

Office: (708) 652-0262  



Our Lady of Charity School serves students Pre Kindergarten 3 through 8th grade from Cicero, Berwyn, Stickney, & Chicago. Contact us today for a tour!

© 2025 Our Lady of Charity School.  All rights reserved.

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