May 26, 2023
Dear Parents, We need to tighten up our uniform policy and our tardy to school policy next year, as things are getting lax. The uniform is a symbol of our equality of persons created in the image of God. It represents order and discipline. Excessive tardies are disruptive and serve as poor training for our Saints and Scholars. Remember:
Unless it’s a gym day, the only gym shoes allowed are all black or all white low-top sneakers; shoes in a combination of black and white are prohibited. No contrasting logos or soles.
Hair should remain its natural color.
Excessive tardies will lead to detentions (and fees for supervision).
Choir members from grades 4, 5, 6, and 7 are invited to come to school to sing at the 8th grade graduation on Wed., May 31. Interested members should report to the choir loft at 6:30 PM.
Summer School dates are from June 12 to July 13, Monday through Thursday, 8:00 - 2:00. The cost is reduced this year to $300 per child.
Good luck to all our 8th graders! Heavenly Father, we thank you for the wonderful privilege of knowing these young graduates and their families. Please watch over them and help them to use their gift and talents to make the world a better place:
Marissa Aguilar Morton Freshman Center
MiguelAngel Arreola Chicago Hope Academy
Damayanty Campos Morton Freshman Center
Diego Castro St. Rita of Cascia High School Dean Cundari St. Laurence High School Saul Dominguez De La Salle Institute Mateo Gomez Nazareth Academy Sergio Gomez-Tapia Christ the King Jesuit College Prep
Leyla Guzman Golder College Prep Alexis Lopez Thomas Kelly College Preparatory Nathan Marmolejo St. Laurence High School
Maven Marquez St. Laurence High School
Christopher Mikolajewski Cristo Rey Jesuit High School
Ruby Montes St. Laurence High School Christian Navarro Morton Freshman Center
Aaron Orozco IC College Prep
Emma Rangel Morton Freshman Center
Jovan Rodriguez St. Laurence High School
Edna Romero Cristo Rey Jesuit High School
Jesus Santos Nazareth Academy
Ignacio Serrano St. Rita of Cascia High School
Pablo Tellez St. Laurence High School
Annjalee Torres Morton West High School
Ashley Tovar Our Lady of Tepeyac High School
Zariah Vargas Lyons Township High School
Byron Vazquez Morton Freshman Center
Aaron Verdin St. Laurence High School
Emely Zavala St. Laurence High School
Important dates:
Monday, May 29: Memorial Day, no school
Wednesday, May 31: 8th grade graduation in church at 7:00 PM; last day of Extended Care
Friday, June 2: last day of school; 11:30 dismissal; dress down day (no charge; clothes must be appropriate for school)
Yours in Christ, Frank S. Zarate, Jr., Ed.D.
Principal (708) 652-0262