April 27, 2023
Dear Parents,
On the 5th of May we will be providing students with a special lunch. For a donation of $6, students will receive two red tamales, a popsicle, and a beverage. Proceeds will be used to provide a Teacher Appreciation Week luncheon for teachers. PLEASE donate the following:
Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd grade: juice boxes, individual canned beverages, or a box of popsicles
3rd - 8th grade: one dozen red tamales
If you find it more convenient, you may also give $30 toward the cost of the luncheon in lieu of providing food or drinks. Call or email Mr. Infante with your donation: pinfante@olc-school.org 708-652-0262 ext. 201
Refer a new family to OLC next year and get $250 off your 2023-2024 tuition. Contact Ms. Yashica Zuñiga in the office for details.
Summer School dates are from June 12 to July 13, Monday through Thursday, 8:00 - 2:00. The cost is reduced this year to $300 per child, with no registration fee. For information, email the summer school director, Mr. Sean Knight, at sknight@olc-school.org or call Mr. Infante in the school office.
Olympic Day (outdoor field day for all students) this year will be on Fri., May 26. If you can help out, please email me or call the school.
Here is the school Mass schedule for the remainder of the year. You are always welcome to join us:
Fri., May 5, 8:30, May Crowning (8th grade together with 1st communicants) and Ribbon Mass; breakfast afterward for 2nd/8th grade/1st communicants
Fri., May 12, 9:00, English
Sun., May 14, 12:00 noon, 8th grade all school Mass with pastries and beverages provided by 1st grade
Fri., May 19, confessions, grades 2 - 8 (parents may join us)
Wed, May 24, 9:30, last school Mass of the year with breakfast for 6th and 8th graders and their parents
Important dates:
Friday, April 28: no school, staff development day Saturday, April 29: 1st holy Communion at 1:00
Wednesday, May 3: Early release day
Friday, May 5: May Crowning at 8:30 (sponsored by 8th/2nd grade) followed by all school Mass at 9:00
Wednesday, May 17: Early release day
Friday, May 26: last day of school for 8th graders
Wednesday, May 31: 8th grade graduation in church at 7:00 PM
Yours in Christ,
Frank S. Zarate, Jr., Ed.D.
Principal (708) 652-0262