December 5, 2024
Dear Parents,
Lots of events happening in December!
Please take our school “parent satisfaction survey” (it’s brief). We need at least 50 responses, and we only have 31, as of today. We extended the deadline to Dec. 16. Here it is:
Tomorrow: Honor Roll Assembly for grades 4-8 after the 9:00 Mass
Tomorrow is also the absolute last day to turn in your Christmas Raffle payments. Over the weekend, you will see the charge in FACTS (if you did not already turn in your money to the office). Once the payment is completed, your tickets will be entered into the raffle. If payment is not completed before the drawing on Christmas Day, your tickets will not be entered into the drawing. Please remember that this raffle is one of our three mandatory fundraisers. The one remaining is the chocolate sale in March.
Sunday, December 8: All school Mass at noon. The seventh grade will serve refreshments afterward in Halpin Hall. All OLC families are encouraged to join their classmates for this liturgy.
Monday, December 9: Roller skating begins for one week. It will speed things up if your child knows his or her shoe size. If you’d like to volunteer to help, call or email Martha: 708-652-0262 ext.201/
Monday, December 9: The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin; all school Mass at 1:00, parents are invited.
Thursday, December 12: Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe and Grandparent/VIP Day; all school Mass in Spanish at noon. There will be a reenactment of the apparition of the Virgin to St. Juan Diego and songs, as performed by students in grades 3-4. Each student in grades K-8 should invite one grandparent or other VIP to school for Mass and refreshments afterward. VIPs may include an aunt, uncle, older sibling, adult family friend,
Wednesday, December 18: Christmas Concert featuring students from all grade levels at 6:30 PM in church. 5th graders will put on a short play. Students should wear white/red/black or some combination of those colors. Please avoid large logos.
Friday, January 10: We are planning to host a parent meeting to report on school finances and to provide a “state of the school” presentation. A lot of important information for you to know about OLC will be given. For your convenience, there are two meeting times (please choose one): 7:45-8:45 or 1:45-2:45. All parents are asked to
please attend one meeting or the other! Meetings will be at OLC, exact location to be determined.
We have an opportunity with the Chicago Bulls to share with interested families: on Monday, January 27, the Bulls have arranged a Catholic Schools Night at the United Center in celebration of Catholic Schools Week. The Bulls organization is offering a special ticket price for all Catholic school students, staff and families for this special event. The Bulls will take on the Denver Nuggets at 7 p.m. A portion of each ticket sold will be redirected back to OLC. The amount varies based on the section of the ticket purchased:
100 Level = $7 per ticket goes back to our school
200 Level = $5 per ticket goes back to our school
300 Level = $4 per ticket goes back to our school
The Bulls have set aside tickets in specific sections for Catholic school families and are planning some special surprises for the school that sells the most tickets. Ticket purchase deadline is January 6. Click on this link for more information.
Our Lotería Night November 15th was a great success, as we made a profit of $1112.00 for our school. Thank you to all who assisted, and especially to the event coordinators Erika Zambrano and Sylvia Martinez. We are planning a second Lotería Night on February 21.
See you soon!
Yours in Christ,
Frank S. Zarate, Jr., Ed.D.
(708) 652-0262