November 8, 2022
Dear Parents,
Friday is the end of the 1st trimester; report cards will go home on Nov. 17.
Veterans Day assembly for 7th and 8th grade: this coming Friday at 10:00 in church. We have three Marine guests coming to visit us and speak to students. Parents are welcome to attend.
We will have a school Christmas Posada at 6:30 PM in church on Wed., Dec. 21. Students in grades PK - 8 will take part in the performance, and there will be refreshments and piñatas afterward in Halpin Hall. All students should wear black bottoms (pants or skirts), black shoes, and the following color tops: PK/kindergarten: red 1st/2nd grade: green 3rd/4th grade: white 5th grade: red 6th grade: green 7th/8th grade: white
Roller skating starts Nov. 28. If you can help supervise during your child’s gym class, email your child’s teacher or me:
Cross-age buddies help older students come to understand what it means to have younger students look up to them. Younger students acquire a sense of belonging and security. Our cross age buddies program is now in all grades PK - 8. Ask your child about it (see photo at left).

The Pizza and Bowling Night planned for tomorrow has been canceled.
Complete your VIRTUS training: https://www.olc-
Important dates:
Thursday, November 10: High School Fair at OLC, 6:00 - 7:30 pm. All the Catholic high schools in the area will have representatives here to talk to parents.
Sunday, November 13: 3rd grade Mass at noon. All OLC families please try to attend. Donuts and coffee after Mass in Halpin Hall.
Wednesday, November 16: Early release (30 minutes before the regular time)
Wednesday, November 23 - Friday, November 25: Thanksgiving break
Yours in Christ, Frank S. Zarate, Jr., Ed.D. Principal (708) 652-0262